The intriguing concept of Heaven and Reincarnation

The concept of Reincarnation and Heaven are associated with transcendent or worldly ideas. But if you are looking for logical and down-to-earth answers to these concepts, do read Heaven Vs Reincarnation by Dharma. Reincarnation is a fascinating concept and seems a no contest when matched up against Heaven. But, the fact that the concept of reincarnation has survived for so long means something. Hinduism has always preached Reincarnation. It has stayed forever is because it is the reality. Reincarnation is the idea that life is pre-packaged with pain and suffering. It stands for life, adulthood, and the Future.
On the other hand, Heaven is a metaphor for the Womb, childhood, the nest, and the past. Heaven is being a helpless child for eternity. It is living a sheltered, protected life in a bubble. It is like living in the fantasy world where we just sit and hope for good things to happen. It is a reflection of our weaknesses and cowardice. Heaven says we are old, defeated by life and all we want is a nice retired life and rock away in the easy chair for eternity. For more information, visit the website.


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