The concept of Heaven vs Reincarnation

For many years now, religions have put coward medicine down out throat. They have taught us to be weak and asked to put aside the concept of reincarnation. They have taught us about this super being who resides somewhere in heaven and who will take care of us. He will give us an easy life free of troubles and worries if we pray hard enough. All we have to do is die and that’s it. Dying is the only sole motive of our being.  What we haven’t been told is our duty towards this super being.
Everyone knows about the concept called Responsibility - you made the mess, you clean it up. You took on debt, pay it back! The concept of begging one's way out by asking for forgiveness is not there in Hinduism. This is treated more like getting an F in a test - no amount of pleading will make the Teacher change your grade and no student should even ever ask for such a change. Retake the test and earn a better grade - that is the Right thing to do. Think about Reincarnation. To know more, visit the website. 


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