
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Truth Behind Heaven And Reincarnation

Heaven  is for the retired and the dejected, for those who want a quiet, useless existence. Reincarnation is for those who aspire, for those who want to take charge of their life. Heaven is for the old, the retired. Reincarnation is for the Young, the Dreamer. Reincarnation teaches us that although in this life we may be born a Hindu, in the next life you may be a Muslim, a Christian or an Atheist. Once you realize this essential truth, hate based on religion is difficult to sustain. When you choose Reincarnation, you choose to come back and work for a bright future for this planet and for all humanity. With Reincarnation, you choose to participate in the future. You are saying that you are an adult and you are taking charge of your own future, choose your own path and blaze your own trail.  In life we learn that nothing is free, there are no shortcuts in life. You can believe all you want that you are the best, but a lot of work needs to be done in order to prove it. ...

The Much-Debated Topic Of Heaven Or Reincarnation

The concept of  Heaven or reincarnation  has been much researched. Most religions promise a fantasy land in the sky for which one has to only die. Heaven is not elsewhere, it is right here. Heaven is a happy, joyful life with no worries or responsibilities. Heaven means refusing human life and accepting a lower form of life. Life as a tree, a bug or a pet seems a foolish choice. Consider life as a gift from God- a precious gift, a gift that you should be thankful for.  Many religions teach a way OUT of Pain and Suffering. It is time to get out of the womb, out of Eden and start Life. We experience pain for the first time but that is also how Life Begins! Heaven is for the Retired, those who gave up on life and want a quiet, useless existence. Reincarnation is for those who aspire. Heaven is for the old, the retired; Reincarnation is for the Young, the Dreamer. What would you choose-  Heaven or Reincarnation . For more information, visit the website.

The concept of Heaven vs Reincarnation

For many years now, religions have put coward medicine down out throat. They have taught us to be weak and asked to put aside the concept of  reincarnation .  They have taught us about this super being who resides somewhere in heaven and who will take care of us. He will give us an easy life free of troubles and worries if we pray hard enough. All we have to do is die and that’s it. Dying is the only sole motive of our being.  What we haven’t been told is our duty towards this super being. Everyone knows about the concept called Responsibility - you made the mess, you clean it up. You took on debt, pay it back! The concept of begging one's way out by asking for forgiveness is not there in   Hinduism. This is treated more like getting an F in a test - no amount of pleading will make the Teacher change your grade and no student should even ever ask for such a change. Retake the test and earn a better grade - that is the Right thing to do. Think about  Reinca...

The intriguing concept of Heaven and Reincarnation

The concept of Reincarnation and  Heaven  are associated with transcendent or worldly ideas. But if you are looking for logical and down-to-earth answers to these concepts, do read Heaven Vs Reincarnation by Dharma. Reincarnation is a fascinating concept and seems a no contest when matched up against Heaven. But, the fact that the concept of reincarnation has survived for so long means something. Hinduism has always preached Reincarnation. It has stayed forever is because it is the reality. Reincarnation is the idea that life is pre-packaged with pain and suffering. It stands for life, adulthood, and the Future. On the other hand, Heaven is a metaphor for the Womb, childhood, the nest, and the past. Heaven is being a helpless child for eternity. It is living a sheltered, protected life in a bubble. It is like living in the fantasy world where we just sit and hope for good things to happen. It is a reflection of our weaknesses and cowardice.   Heaven   says we a...