
Showing posts from 2019

The world without Heaven or Reincarnation

God made this world for us without Heaven or Reincarnation . Religions made Heavens for cowards telling them one can flee and hideaway under the bed. Live in the world God created for us, one can't live in dreams or fantasy world. Life is a Gift - a Gift from God! A Gift that needs to be appreciated and loved! Reincarnation becomes clear when we leave the home and comfort when we head out to college or job. We leave the cherishing home of our folks and try to create our own path. Why? Why not remain at home and live in solace? Because then we wouldn't have an actual existence. In the event that we need our very own existence, we should leave the comfort of our house. Reincarnation does not favor any religious division or hate. It teaches us that in this life you may be born into one religion but nothing can be said about the next life. The moment you realize this essential truth that hatred based on religions is difficult to sustain, you can become tolerant and patient. Kno

The dream land of Heaven

Are you looking for a quiet and useless existence? If yes, Heaven is the place for you. It is for the retired and those who have given up on life. On the other hand, reincarnation is for those who want a life full of aspirations, dreams, and youth. It is for those who want to live and not just exist. Rebirth is for the Warrior. The quitter can go stow away under the bed, safe and happy. Where will you find a warrior? In the battle fighting for the right thing! Warriors don't flee and stow away, they push ahead, not back. Religions have taught us to flee from life, run, and cover-up under the bed because God will protect us like a powerless little kid. Now is the time to see life from the viewpoint of the Warrior. Heaven is a fantasy, a dream. It is alright to dream about the fantasy land yet we can't live there. Not facing life and running away from it will make things worse. For more information, visit the website.

The concept that chooses real over fantasy: Reincarnation

Reincarnation asks us to choose life that is real and practical. Life comes pre-packaged with pain and suffering. We cannot always live in the past and stay children forever. It is hard to grow up and be mature but to live the life we have to grow up. We have to become independent and learn to manage stuff on our own. We cannot depend on our parents for long, we have to carve our own path and stick to it. We all know the concept of responsibility. If we make the mess, we have to clean it. The concept of begging one’s way out by asking for forgiveness does not serve you for long. Want more money, work for it. Want good grades, work hard. Stop living in the fantasy world which promises all good things without working hard. Reincarnation is asking us to wake up to reality and spend our life the way it is meant to be. Know the purpose of your life and then work towards it. For more information, visit the website.

Your present moment is your Heaven

Accepting your life as it is a formation of heaven for yourself. You have done enough for your parents, spouse, and kids and sometimes they remained unsatisfied with your efforts for them. Wasting your time in worry, stress, and repentance is an insult to this precious human life so spend time with children and if your children are grown up then go to the park and witness the games of lovely children. It spreads new waves of positivity and vitality of life to you. Enjoy all the pleasures of your life but spend a few minutes with supreme power who have gifted such a lovely life. It erases the reason to be unhappy with sorrow moments or the cruel behavior of your closed one. A little effort to come back to your innocent stage of childhood keeps only good memories in your frame of mind and throws away the bad experiences in the dense forests of the forgetfulness realm. Learn to forgive others and accumulate tiny happiness spreading in the way. Feel proud to have them in your life and

The refined idea of heaven and reincarnation

We have been bolstered with such a significant number of thoughts about heaven and reincarnation that we aimlessly began tailing them. We have been instructed we need to go to God day and night, and afterward, he will allow us to be in paradise forever. What nobody tries to ask is what do we do in paradise? Such an inquiry has never been posed. We have had refined and taught individuals for such a long time however no ever tried to pose this inquiry. Do you truly accept that God has nothing better to do than comforting thousands of us forever? Is this God’s grand plan? All this is what religions have taught us. Whether it is true or not depends on the individual. We realize that once we grow up we need to locate our own specific path. We can't be with our family and friends for eternity. We have to leave them for our betterment and benefit. Heaven and Reincarnation are two distinct ideas and it is up to us to follow anyone. For more information, visit the website.

The road to Heaven

The vast majority of us anticipate some magic to happen. The magical charm that disposes of every one of our issues. Riches will rain down on us and we must acquire riches. Nothing is simple and that is the thing we should accept. However, we are the victims of certain religions' false guarantees. We just want to be in heaven and enjoy the comforts. The rat race is to be in heaven and nothing else seems to matter. Being in heaven is not our sole motive; our life motive should be to live freely on our own terms.  Heaven guarantees an arrival back to the past, to adolescence and you stay a helpless child until the end of time. Heaven represents the womb and solace. In the womb, we are protected, sheltered, warm and safe. But the truth is we can't stay there until the end of time. We need to turn out and face the world. We can't stay protected for time immemorial. We have to feel the hard and cold world. We should feel the hardships that signify that life has started. We

The exploration of Heaven or Reincarnation

There are many ideas and concepts that have been explored in the book about  Heaven or Reincarnation . Heaven stands for womb and comfort. In womb, we are happy, safe, warm and protected. But we cannot remain there forever. We have to come out and face the world. We cannot remain in a bubble for eternity. We are supposed to feel the hard and cold world. We are supposed to feel the pain that signifies that real life has begun.  The possibility of heaven teaches us that we can keep running back to the security and warmth of the womb. We can be carefree like in our youth and we don't have to grow up. In any case, as a general rule, we need to confront the present reality howsoever hard and extreme it is. We   need to grow up and assume responsibility for our life. This is the unforgiving truth of life. We can't be in  heaven or reincarnation  forever. To know more, visit the website. 

The new idea of Reincarnation

Reincarnation  is made evident when we leave the comfortable nest that our parents have provided to us when we leave for a job or college and try to strike out on our own. Have you ever thought why can’t we stay and live in comfort? Because if we stay we wouldn’t be able to create a life of our own. We must leave the nest and strike a path of our own. Reincarnation is a concept made for the warrior. The cowards and retired can go hide and feel safe. A warrior’s place is in the heat of battle and not under the bed. Warriors don’t hide they move ahead in their life and not back. It is not entirely our fault. For so many years, religions have been feeding us coward medicine. It has become deeply rooted in our minds and we just learn to run as well as hide. We have been made to believe God will keep us safe like a helpless baby. It is high time we view heaven or   reincarnation  under a different lens. For more information, visit the website.   

The craze about Heaven

Some countries in the world are facing a lot of turmoil and are under a lot of tension. They keep hoping that if they do this, a magic being sitting in   heaven   will rain down riches on them. They hope of getting the riches instead of doing anything to get them. In life, we learn nothing comes free. There are no free lunches. Riches have to be earned and nothing comes easy. We know all this still we easily fall prey to false promises of certain religions. Another lesson that defeats most people is the length of time it takes to succeed and make our dreams come true. Most people consider life as instant coffee and believe that good things will happen in an instant. The reality is far from this. In life, we need to put a lot of hard work and commitment to make things happen. The length of time it takes to make things happen should not dishearten you.   Heaven   or Reincarnation- everything is here. To know more, visit the website. 

The numerous views about Heaven or Reincarnation

The number of views and opinions about heaven or reincarnation are numerous and varied. Heaven Vs Reincarnation by Dharma is the result of a lot of research and ideas. It does not have transcendent views about heaven or reincarnation; instead, it is a logical approach to the concepts. It takes into account what were the conditions people lived back in the day and what prompted them to have such ideas. If given choice, we all choose Heaven. But when you think closely there is a glaring flaw in the choice. Do you think there is a rich guy standing around the corner asking if you want some free money? Do you think there is a fool who is giving away 10 million dollars?   Heaven is nothing but a fantasy world. Can you imagine God has nothing better to do than cater to billions of us sitting around doing nothing for Eternity Is this the Grand Plan of God? What does one do in Heaven or Reincarnation actually exists? Get your answers, visit the website.

The strong will to choose Reincarnation

The idea of Heaven or  Reincarnation  isn't new. We have been discussing this from days of yore. Heaven is quick and simple. It doesn’t require much effort. All it requires is praying to the right God and life are sorted. Then again, Reincarnation says if we have to please God, it is not easy.  Nobody is saying making God happy is a child's play. It is hard work and requires a strong will.  A great many people don't have persistence and tolerance to make their dreams materialize. They thoroughly understand the importance of diligent work and persistence but when it comes to being practical with these qualities, they fumble. The larger part of individuals thinks  life is instant coffee. They want good things to occur for them immediately, however, they don’t have the patience to do enormous work required for that to happen. In real life, there are battles, struggles disappointments, and triumphs. Though we realize that nothing is simple, yet we are falling

The dream world of Heaven

The life in  heaven  is comparing your life to the one in the womb, childhood and in the past. Heaven is a concept that soothes the retired who have lost all hope from life and want a quiet as well as useless existence. It is a life that pleases the cowards because they want to hide under their bed and run away. Reincarnation is the life full of zeal, excitement as well as pain. It has both sufferings as well as respite. It is a life of adulthood with an exciting future. It is taking responsibility for your life and making things happen. It is not running away and hiding, it is being a warrior and facing the troubles. It is not relying on God for everything but trying to make him happy with your actions. It is real life that has promises and surprises. There is no joy in sitting around and doing nothing. It is a hopeless existence that does not serve any purpose.  Heaven  is the life of fantasy whereas Reincarnation is the life of reality. To know more, visit the website

The choice between Heaven or Reincarnation

If given a choice between  heaven or reincarnation , what would you choose? Karma is a concept which has been frequently linked to reincarnation. Karma is action or work. It is not a spiritual payback system as many people consider it to be. The Hindu religion defines people by their karma. People are defined by what they accomplish in their life. Their actions, character, conduct, morals define who they become as human beings. Karma is simple. As you sow, so shall you reap. You study for exams, you get good grades. You don’t study; you can’t expect to get good grades. Unfortunately, this idea has been misunderstood as some kind of magic being sitting up there and handing out punishments for your wrongdoings. When through your good actions you benefit others, you accumulate good karma. And obviously, when you indulge in bad actions, you earn bad karma. It is the bad karma that you must repay and that is why you are reincarnated.  Heaven or Reincarnation  both the conce

Logical ideas about Heaven

Worldly or transcendent ideas about   heaven   or reincarnation are everywhere. But if you are someone who is looking for logical ideas, book by Dharma is perfect for you. We have been told so many things about heaven by different people that we have reached a stage where we no longer know what is true and what is false. We have no opinion of our own and we just believe whatever is fed to us. We had civilizations with educated and cultured people as well as scholars. But still, everyone wants to believe transcendent ideas about heaven. We all know that we have to grow up and be on our own. We have to leave our loved ones and be independent. We all know how we cannot be dependent on family forever. Then how can we think about being a burden on God in heaven? How can we expect God to take care of us forever?  There is no fantasy land called  Heaven   in the sky where we all want to go. Let’s be rooted in reality and be grounded. To know more, visit the website. 

The idea of heaven or reincarnation

It is not simple to comprehend the notion of  heaven or reincarnation . There are so many myths, concepts, thoughts floating around that it is hard to understand what is true and what is incorrect. There's a common thing between substance addicts, heaven, and internet worlds – in these worlds there's no pain or suffering. When you see people talking about heaven, what do they say? Happy, joyful, no worries or responsibilities. Heaven means accepting a lower form of life and refusing human life. Our life is a gift- a gift from God. It is a Gift that we should savor and ask for more. Imagine the moment when your child was born. Do you think it is less than a gift? God has bestowed a Gift on you!! The reincarnation is the real life and practicalities that come along with it. Reincarnation teaches us that in this birth you might be a Hindu but in next birth, you can be a Christian, Muslim or an Atheist. It is better to face the truth than getting entangled in the ongoin

The fantasy world of Heaven

There are many ideas and concepts that have been explored in the book   Heaven   vs. Reincarnation. Heaven promises a return back to the past, to childhood and you remain a helpless child forever. Heaven stands for womb and comfort. In womb, we are happy, safe, warm and protected. But we cannot remain there forever. We have to come out and face the world. We cannot remain in a bubble for eternity. We are supposed to feel the hard and cold world. We are supposed to feel the pain that signifies that real life has begun. The idea of heaven preaches that we can run back to the safety and warmth of the womb. We can always be in our childhood and we don’t need to grow up. But in reality, we have to face the real world howsoever hard and tough it is. We have to grow up and take charge of our life. This is the harsh reality of life. We cannot be in  heaven  forever. To know more, visit the website. 

The amazing Jackie dove wedding Dress

Wedding dress is a dream almost all brides nurture since their childhood. They want to look charming, beautiful and gorgeous.  Jackie Dove wedding dress  will not fulfill your childhood dream but go beyond that. The dress will fit you like it was made especially for you. The grace and charm that it will add will make you want to choose the dress for your wedding day. Whether you are a traditional bride or modern bride, we have multiple options that will meet your desires. Our designs are the perfect amalgamation of modern and contemporary. We come up with something innovative and lovely by blending the latest trends. We want brides to radiate from the inside out. They should be pleased with the dress that will ultimately reflect on their face. Weddings are a decadent affair; luxurious and sophisticated should define your wedding dress. Wedding day is a special one for any bride; add to that day by choosing  Jackie dove wedding Dress.  For more information, visit the website.

The logical idea of Heaven or Reincarnation

Let’s face it we all have transcendent ideas about the concept of  heaven or reincarnation . We have been fed so many theories and ideas for so long, it is high time we look for logical ideas to the concept. If you delve a little deeper in the concept of reincarnation, you will find that it is a fascinating concept but at first glance stands no chance against Heaven. But this concept has survived for so long and that means something. Heaven is nothing but a fantasy world. A world where there are no problems and everything is just perfect. What’s more, we don’t have to do anything to be in heaven, just sit and pray to the right God. We assume God will do everything and take care of us once we grow up. Reincarnation is asking us to choose life that is real. A life that is a combination of both sorrows and joys. A life that we have to earn ourselves and create for ourselves. What do you think about  heaven or Reincarnation ? For more information, visit the website. 

The intriguing concept of Heaven or Reincarnation

There are so many interpretations about  heaven  or reincarnation  prevalent since ages . Ever since childhood, we have been fed so many ideas that we blindly started following them. We have been taught we have to pray to God day and night, and then he will grant us heaven for life.  What no one bothers to ask is what do we do in heaven? Such a question has never been asked. We have had cultured and educated people for so long but no ever bothered to ask this question. Do you really believe that God has nothing better to do than eternally comforting thousands of us? Is this God's grand plan, sitting down and praying for comfortable living?  We know that once we grow up we have to find our own way. We cannot be dependent on our family and loved ones forever. Yet no one asks how things work up there.  Heaven  or Reincarnation  are two different concepts and it is our choice to follow anyone or none. For more information, visit the website. 

The truth of Heaven Vs Reincarnation

Heaven Vs Reincarnation  is a topic of constant debate. Life teaches us so many lessons. One lesson we learn in life and that people don’t take seriously is the amount of time it takes to be successful. You cannot expect your dreams to come true in a jiffy. It takes time and it requires patience on your part. Many people want good things to happen in an instant just like instant coffee. But in life things do not work that way. Good things happen but in their own time. Most of us look forward to some magic happening. The magic that gets rid of all our issues. It'll rain wealth on us and we're not going to have to earn wealth. Nothing is easy and that is what we all know. Yet we are victims of certain religions ' false promises.   Heaven vs. Reincarnation  debate teaches us to be independent and be a warrior. For more information, visit the website. 

The contradictory concept of Heaven or Reincarnation

The concept of   Heaven or Reincarnation   is associated with transcendent or worldly ideas. But if you are looking for logical and down-to-earth answers to these concepts, Heaven vs. Reincarnation by Dharma will make an interesting read for you. Hinduism has always preached Reincarnation. It has stayed forever is because it is the reality. Reincarnation is an intriguing concept and seems a no contest when matched up against Heaven. But, we all know how the concept of reincarnation has survived for so long. Reincarnation is the idea that life comes with pain and suffering. It stands for life, adulthood, and the Future. Heaven is a concept that encourages complacency and dependency. It is a metaphor for the Womb, childhood, the nest, and the past. Heaven is being a helpless child for eternity. It is living a sheltered, protected life in a bubble.  Heaven or Reincarnation  whatever you choose, the underlying point is to live your life to the fullest and dream big. For more infor

The fantasy world of Heaven

There are three ways to deal with pain and suffering. One is choosing the   Heaven   way which is running away and hiding. The second way is cutting all desires. The third option is to face it, defeat it and make God Proud. But be careful making God proud is not easy. A parent has two kids- one sits at home doing nothing and indulges in self-gratification. The other child is a fighter. He goes out to do great things. He fights poverty, animal abuse, sexism, racism, terrorism and much more. He defeats all trouble and is a warrior. God looks down and is very proud. Heaven is synonymous with the Womb, your past, and the Childhood. Reincarnation is synonymous with Life, Adulthood and the future. Religions have been preaching us a way out of pain and suffering. It is high time we realize life cannot be spent in fantasy land. Experiencing pain is important for learning the ways of life. We cannot keep thinking the  Heaven  way forever.  For more information, visit the website. 

What will you choose- Heaven or Reincarnation?

The concept of  Heaven or reincarnation  has been inviting endless discussions and debates for several years now. Religion and its caretakers promise a place in the fantasy land in the sky. All you have to do is die. Consider life as a gift from God- a precious gift, a gift that you should be thankful for. Many religions teach a way out of Pain and Suffering. It is time to get out of the womb, out of Eden and start Life. We experience pain for the first time but that is also how Life Begins.  Heaven is a happy, joyful life with no worries or responsibilities. Heaven means refusing human life and accepting a lower form of life. Life as a tree, a bug or a pet seems a foolish choice. Heaven is for the Retired, those who gave up on life and want a quiet, useless existence. Reincarnation is for those who aspire. Heaven is for the old, the retired; Reincarnation is for the Young, the Dreamer.   What is your choice-   Heaven or Reincarnation . For more information, visit the website

The Heaven is here, Reincarnation is here

The concept of   Heaven   is for the retired, those who gave up on life and want a quiet, useless existence. On the other hand, Reincarnation is for those who Aspire. Heaven is for the old, the retired. Reincarnation is for the Dreamer, the Young. Reincarnation is for the warrior. Where would you find a warrior? In the battlefield. Warriors don’t run away and hide. They move forward, not backward. For several years now, religions have been leading us a different path. They have been pouring coward medicine down our throat and asking us to run away from life. They have been teaching us that God will take care of us like a helpless little baby. It’s high time we view life from a changed perspective. We need to face life and be a warrior. We cannot depend on God and keep asking him for everything. Time to be a real warrior and take control of your life.   Heaven  or Reincarnation, both are here. For more information, visit the website. 

What would you choose- Heaven or Reincarnation?

The concept of  Heaven or reincarnation  has been much debated and talked about. Majority of religions have taught us and promised a fantasy land in the sky which you can get after you die. Heaven is not elsewhere, it is right here. Heaven is a happy, joyful life with no worries or responsibilities. Heaven means refusing human life and accepting a lower form of life. Heaven means having no meaningful existence. Life is a gift from God- a precious gift, a gift that you should be thankful for. Many religions teach a way OUT of Pain and Suffering. But they are a part of life. It is time to get out of the womb, out of Eden and start Life. We have to let go of our parents’ home and take charge of our life! Heaven is for the Retired, those who gave up on life and just want useless existence. Reincarnation is for those who aspire. Heaven is for the old, the bored; Reincarnation is for the Young, the Dreamer. What would you choose-  Heaven or Reincarnation ? For more information, visi

The concept of Reincarnation for the warrior

Reincarnation  is when we leave the home of our parents when we leave the comfort, warmth, and familiarity to make our own mark in the outside world. Heaven is a concept which is for the retired and laid back people who want a quiet, useless existence. Reincarnation is for those who are enthusiastic about life and want to take control of it. They want to carve their own path and be successful. Religions, for several years now, have beseeched us to run away and just hide under our beds. God will take care of everything. Pray hard to God and he will make everything right. We have been following it blindly, it’s high time we take control and be a warrior. We have to fight and make way for our aspirations. If we don’t do that we will have to make peace with whatever happens to us- good or bad.  Reincarnation  is a concept for the fighter and the courageous. To know more, visit the website. 

The easy way out of everything: Heaven

Heaven  is a dream, a fantasy. Ever since childhood, we have been fed so many ideas that we forgot to form an idea of our own. We have been taught we have to pray to God day and night, and then he will grant us heaven for life. But what no one bothers to ask is what do we do in heaven? Such a question has never been asked. We have cultured and educated people around but no ever bothered to ask this question. We know that once we grow up we have to find our own way. We cannot be dependent on our family forever. Yet no one asks how things work up there. Heaven is a fantasy world where we never have to grow up and face the world. The concept of Reincarnation and Heaven has always been associated with transcendent or worldly ideas. But if you are looking for logical and down-to-earth answers to these concepts, give  Heaven  Vs Reincarnation by Dharma a read. 

Heaven or Reincarnation, the choice is yours!!

The concept of Heaven or Reincarnation is not new. We have been talking about this from time immemorial. Heaven differs from Reincarnation in a way that Heaven is quick and easy. Pray to the right God and life is good for eternity. On the other hand, Reincarnation says becoming a God will take several lives. Are we ready to be patient to make it a reality?    Most people do not have the time and patience to make their dreams come true. They know all about hard work and perseverance but when it comes to exhibiting these qualities they flounder. Majority of people think life is instant coffee. They want good things to happen for them almost instantly but we all know real life does not function like that. There are struggles, failures, and successes in real life. Enormous work is done to make good things happen. Even then continuous years of hard work do not guarantee good things. There's no magic going to happen and everything is not going to be perfect ever

Earn bad Karma and you must repay in form of Reincarnation

When you choose karma and Reincarnation , you are saying that you are an adult. You determine your future and create your own path. Take inspiration from the lives of great who have sacrificed their lives so that we may have a better future. Do you think your life is an unfinished saga? Do you love life and dream to achieve more? Do you feel excited about the future and want to be a part of it? Do you want to work and contribute? If yes, then reincarnation and Karma is for you.  As you lead your life, you make certain choices that decide your future. These choices not only affect you but also other people around you. Sometimes your choices benefit you, sometimes they do not. You earn good karma when you do things that lead to the benefit of others. On the contrary, when you do bad things, you accumulate bad karma. It is the bad karma that you must repay. This is one of the reasons, Reincarnation exists. For more information, visit the website.

The fantasy world of Heaven

There have so many interpretations about heaven and reincarnation. Ever since childhood, we have been fed so many ideas that we forgot to form an opinion of our own. We have been taught we have to pray to God day and night, and then he will grant us heaven for life. Do you really believe that God has nothing better to do than eternally comforting thousands of us? Is this God's grand plan, sitting down and praying for comfortable living?  What no one bothers to ask is what do we do in heaven? Such a question has never been asked. We have had cultured and educated people for so long but no ever bothered to ask this question. We know that once we grow up we have to find our own way. We cannot be dependent on our family forever. Yet no one asks how things work up there. Heaven is a fantasy world where we never have to grow up and face the world. For more information, visit the website.

What will you choose - Heaven or Reincarnation?

If you were given a choice what would you choose  Heaven or Reincarnation ? Heaven is the idea that we can run back to the safety of the womb and we never have to face the world. It is a reflection of our weaknesses, our cowardice and reinforces the fact that we don’t have to grow up. It signifies we are old, defeated and all we are seeking is a nice retirement home. For eternity, we want to be taken care of and not do anything. Reincarnation is the idea that asks us to grow up and take responsibility for our own stuff. It asks us to choose real life that comes with pain, suffering, and joy. Reincarnation stands for life, Adulthood, and the future. We cannot always stay in the past and be dependent on God for everything. We need to grow up, it is hard to grow up but we must and that is the truth about Reincarnation. Weigh your options and choose  Heaven or Reincarnation . To know more, visit the website. 

The concept that reinforces reality: Reincarnation

When you compare Heaven and  Reincarnation , there seems no contest at first. But, when you take a closer look Reincarnation is a concept that asks us to live in the real world. God created this world for us, Religions came up with the concept of Heaven for the cowards and the weak. The concept just reinforces the fact that we can run away and hide under the bed. But we all know that cannot happen. Reincarnation is a concept that asks us to stand up and live the real life. It asks us to take charge of our own stuff. You've made the mess; you're the one going to clean up. In the world of fantasies and dreams, one cannot continue to live. Most religions are confusing us and misleading us to dream about a comfortable and safe life, all we need to do is pray hard. We are waiting for a nice, retired life just because we prayed to Him.  Reincarnation   favors no such dreamlike ideas. It's practical and real. For more information, visit the website. 

The dream and fantasy world of Heaven

Heaven   Vs Reincarnation has been a debatable topic for several years now. Majority religions preach if we pray enough, we will get a place in Heaven. But the million dollar question is what does one do in heaven? Strangely, this question has never been asked. We all know that once we grow up, we have to leave the nest, stand on our feet to make a living. Can we remain a burden on our parents forever? Yet no one bothered to ask, how we earn our living in Heaven? We automatically assume God will keep us comfortable. Heaven is the idea which reflects our weakness and asks us to be dependent forever. Pain and suffering are part of life. No amount of prayer can take the fact away. It is hard to grow up but we must do it nevertheless. We have to take responsibility for our stuff; we cannot always blame people and the situation around us.  Heaven   is a concept which is fancied by the weak and the retired. For more information, visit the website. 
The fascinating concept of Reincarnation The concept of  Reincarnation  is a fascinating one. At first glance, it seems to stand zero chance against the concept of Heaven. But then if you think hard, why has this concept survived for so long. Do you think there are rich guys standing around the corner asking if you need free money? There is no fool giving away 10 million dollars. Heaven is nothing but a fantasy world. Do you really believe God has nothing better to do than cater to billions of us sitting around doing nothing for eternity? The million dollar question is what does one do in Heaven? For so many years, cultured and educated people have not asked this question. We all know that once we grow up, we have to struggle to make a living. We cannot depend on our parents forever. And yet no one asks how things are run in Heaven? We just assume God will take care of us and keep us comfortably.  Reincarnation  teaches us to live in the real world. To know more, visit the webs