The craze about Heaven

Some countries in the world are facing a lot of turmoil and are under a lot of tension. They keep hoping that if they do this, a magic being sitting in heaven will rain down riches on them. They hope of getting the riches instead of doing anything to get them. In life, we learn nothing comes free. There are no free lunches. Riches have to be earned and nothing comes easy. We know all this still we easily fall prey to false promises of certain religions.

Another lesson that defeats most people is the length of time it takes to succeed and make our dreams come true. Most people consider life as instant coffee and believe that good things will happen in an instant. The reality is far from this. In life, we need to put a lot of hard work and commitment to make things happen. The length of time it takes to make things happen should not dishearten you. Heaven or Reincarnation- everything is here. To know more, visit the website. 


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