The Heaven is here, Reincarnation is here

The concept of Heaven is for the retired, those who gave up on life and want a quiet, useless existence. On the other hand, Reincarnation is for those who Aspire. Heaven is for the old, the retired. Reincarnation is for the Dreamer, the Young. Reincarnation is for the warrior. Where would you find a warrior? In the battlefield. Warriors don’t run away and hide. They move forward, not backward.

For several years now, religions have been leading us a different path. They have been pouring coward medicine down our throat and asking us to run away from life. They have been teaching us that God will take care of us like a helpless little baby. It’s high time we view life from a changed perspective. We need to face life and be a warrior. We cannot depend on God and keep asking him for everything. Time to be a real warrior and take control of your life. Heaven or Reincarnation, both are here. For more information, visit the website. 


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