Be A Warrior,Choose Reincarnation

The concept of Reincarnation is made clear when we leave the nest and go off to college or a job. We leave the loving home of our parents and strike out on our own. Our parents understand we must leave for our own betterment. We cannot stay at home and live in comfort. Because then we wouldn’t have a life. If you want a life of our own, you must leave the nest.
Reincarnation is for the warrior, for the courageous. The coward can go hide under the bed, safe and happy. A warrior’s right place is in the battleground, not under the bed. For many years now, religions have poured coward medicine down our throats. They have taught us to run and hide under the bed, God will keep us safe. It’s high time we see life from the perspective of the Warrior. Life has so much to offer. It is adventurous, exciting and full of surprises. If you are viewing life as an unfinished saga and think there is much more to do, choose Reincarnation. For more information, visit the website. 


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