The idea of heaven or reincarnation

It is not simple to comprehend the notion of heaven or reincarnation . There are so many myths, concepts, thoughts floating around that it is hard to understand what is true and what is incorrect. There's a common thing between substance addicts, heaven, and internet worlds – in these worlds there's no pain or suffering. When you see people talking about heaven, what do they say? Happy, joyful, no worries or responsibilities. Heaven means accepting a lower form of life and refusing human life. Our life is a gift- a gift from God. It is a Gift that we should savor and ask for more. Imagine the moment when your child was born. Do you think it is less than a gift? God has bestowed a Gift on you!! The reincarnation is the real life and practicalities that come along with it. Reincarnation teaches us that in this birth you might be a Hindu but in next birth, you can be a Christian, Muslim or an Atheist. It is better to face the truth than getting entangled in the ongoin...